Just seen an Atlantic article titled "Coexistence is the only option" with the header, "Millions of Americans sympathize with the Capitol insurrection. Everyone else must figure out how to live alongside them."

Everyday y'all wake up & choose bigotry.
That's not on me & my friends though.
Like, y'all do realize that we BEEN said these kind of folk have always been embedded into everything before the coup, before Trump even.

We didn't tolerate them prior, & we sure as hell ain't finna tolerate them now.

None of this is new, so if it's New To You then catch up.
Not Them Tellin Us To Set Up Programs
Margenalized folk been doing the work to provide the resources that communities need, them framing this is if they're who need to step up to help out these white supremacists & sympathisers ain't at all it

The foundation is set, THEY need to choose to accept via not being bigots
"And how do we invite seditionists to a public meeting if they won’t read emails from anyone outside their bubble?"

??? WE
*"where are the programs to help those pushed to the margens of society to not fall victim to becoming a seditionist"*

You mean the currently existing under funded programs? Or the currently existing program founded & filled by those who the seditionists don't want to exist?
"I recognize that this is not what everyone wants to hear. Even as I write this, I can hear many readers of this article uttering a collective snort of annoyance."

Annoyance is not the accurate term to articulate things such as experienced frustration & rationalized fear.
Y'all really out here actin like programs don't exist, & that special programs & an uptick in effort need to be geared toward these folk.

MEANWHILE community programs that have existed for some time, & those who are newly developed, are aggressively underfunded & underresourced.
Thank you for partaking in my thread of vents.
CW: shootings

Ooh adding, this is the same dialogue that was introduced as shootings becan to surge.

*Sad boy who was bullied ended it all, be nice to sad boys* when the reality is that these kids were the initial harm perpetrators & victims are being gaslit & blamed.

Same bit
The problem here is facism, white supremacy, white nationalism, & so on.

This isn't the thread to project your carceral ideas onto, punch down on poor southerners/rural folk, or imagine how the u.s. law is sacred.
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