. @ThePlumLineGS is one of my must reads. Unity does not mean submission to the delusions of the defeated minority that is riddled with Members who have denied the murderous evil of Parkland @fred_guttenberg , lied to the country about a stolen election which poisoned faith https://twitter.com/eugene_scott/status/1352700400042967042
and belief in democracy, incited insurrection and have blood on their hands for the murders of 5 people at the hands of the Fascist mob they incited. @POTUS called for a unity of purpose. He called the American people to unity around defense of our democracy and the urgent task
Of enduring the unendurable suffering of the virus as we seek to eradicate it. @potus is assembling a majority of Americans in a coalition of decency and good faith. There is no definition of unity that demands compromise with white supremacists, Proud Boys, neo Nazi’s
Extremist militias, conspiracy loons and the cynical politicians and propagandists who incite the fringes for profit and power. That is a false unity. Unity is never achieved when virtue appeases vice. Unity is not possible between the truth and the lie. Unity is not possible
Between Americanism and fascism. Unity is not possible between democracy and autocracy. Unity is not possible between liberty and throwing out millions of black votes. That type of unity isn’t just impossible, it is unwanted and rejected. @ProjectLincoln
The premise of questions around such unity are profoundly stupid and the asking of them fails the American people at a time when reality and truth must reign supreme.
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