was chatting w/ ppl about @opensea's new #ERC1155 contract model. here's a thread of my thoughts.


A lesser quality technological implementation that solves a users' problems will typically perform better on the market than a better quality one that doesn't.
nothing is more deflating to a #cryptoartist than having to pay high gas fees.

in that regard, @opensea's no-fee #ERC1155 contracts are a breath of fresh air.

NO; it's not an #ERC721. but i bet most artists don't mind that b/c OpenSea made it easy for them to mint.

when you're neck-deep into the tech, it's easy to forget who the audience is that uses the #cryptoart platforms.

in my experience as a researcher, the mental model that an eng or tech-mind team has about products never lines up w/ how people use'em.


in my years in product dev, ux, cx, service design, etc, one thing is very very clear:

the team, company, or product with the best tech doesn't always win the hearts of the users.

because another w/ a lesser quality product usually solves the users' problem better.

so, #ERC721 is better token quality.

but what @opensea has done with their #ERC1155 contracts is solve the gas problem for creators.

And that will win hearts.
and user's hearts mean more users' eyeballs
this means $$.
which means a longer runway.

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