A 🧵

Something I have been stewing on since the inauguration is the displeasure I saw by liberal friends and colleagues concerning the singing of Amazing Grace by Garth Brooks. The complaints most seen were: 1) not all Americans are Christians so the song is divisive, 1/X
2) They don’t agree with the theology of the song.

To the latter point, I have sang that song with Catholics, Episcopalians, Baptists, and Pentecostals. It is beloved. And if you have a problem with it’s Christology, you are the outlier. But whatever... 2/X
Concerning the first point, you are right. Not all Americans are Christians. But Joe Biden is. You knew this when you voted for him. Amazing Grace is authentic to who HE is and this was his inauguration. He goes to church multiple times a week. 3/X
If you didn’t want that kind of man to be your president you should have nominated someone else or voted for the other guy. And isn’t it refreshing to have a president who is authentic? One who lets you know who he is instead of a chameleon opportunist? 4/X
And to the song itself, doesn’t it represent what we all want America to be? Written by a former slaver who saw the error of his ways, worked to bring against slavery, and was overcome w/ remorse for the part he played while also overcome by the grace of God that forgave him 5/X
And gave him an opportunity for restoration and to make restitution? Isn’t that what we want for our country? Or do we just want to beat people? Do we just wanna win? I thought that was part of what we despised in the last guy? 6/X
Unifying figures have to be true to themselves, project unifying ideals that being people across spectrums together, and work towards unity. There is no unity without sacrifice just like there is no repentance without restitution. My uneasy concern is that when people say 7/X
“we want unity” what they really mean is “I want it my way,” or “I want it the easy way.” Peace requires the making. There is no peace if it’s all my way and no peace that is easy. 8/X
That being said, as former Pres. Obama once noted, “Elections have consequences.” It is wholly disingenuous for Republicans to say “Biden is continuing to split the country” by doing what the people who elected him put him there to do. 9/X
Everyone needs to stop being babies. Do the work.

The End.
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