This is happening while cases actually drop overall, giving a false sense of security.
In other words, a tsunami is coming.
Exponential growth means you can't wait until the problem is evident.
This shows the additional deaths a strain like B117 can cause - without even accounting for overloaded hospitals being unable to deliver same level of care.
All this is bad economically, too. It will likely mean more businesses closing and people staying home whether governments order it or not. Terrible for already-struggling travel sector, restaurants, etc. More fiscal aid will be needed, raising government debt burdens.
Portugal looking similar to Denmark.
Important read. Ben Hunt was one of the first to see all this coming last year. He's been on target throughout.
One problem with Great Barrington/Sweden-like "shield the vulnerable and let it rip" strategies is that allowing more reproduction gives the virus more chances to mutate in possibly problematic ways.
A glimpse of what B117 can do.
"None of the explanations on the table are good."
Virologist is optimistic vaccines can be updated to handle variants but...

"I don't think there's going to be a single solution that just comes along in 2021 that says, 'That's it, we're done.'"
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