Prediction: the Ontario govt led by Premier Ford and Dr. Williams has been consistent: they want businesses open as much as possible. They will be getting an earful from their backers. We should therefore expect an unscientific, irrational decision to open up much too early.
To do this, they will push hard to reopen schools since the workforce needed for these businesses can't work without school and day care for kids. They will lean on arguments like child mental health, business suffering, and improved safety inspections. They will gaslight experts
They may even resort to more open letters from mayors, business associations, and business petitions. They might even resort to pointing out how well Ontario is doing vs even worse countries or states. They will leave PHU's to make local decisions without support.
They may even resort to directing rapid test inventory to manufacturing sector workplaces, even though those sectors (eg auto parts) have little to do with "essential". They may even direct vaccines to "essential workers" over the 60+ at home vulnerable.
They may even horde federal dollars to focus them on businesses vs programs like paid sickness benefits or expanded testing. Past behaviour points to future behaviour.
They will point the finger at shiny things as a means to distract. "They aren't providing enough vaccines, people are not following the rules, the borders are weak, look at this new hospital we built, ..."
They will not report facts like deaths that undermine their goal. They will choose to not apply aerosol science advice because that would close/reduce businesses more. They will choose to not enforce strict and proper mask rules inside businesses because that affects businesses.
They will not expand test surveillance or reporting for schools or workplaces, that would identify too many issues. They will not provide details on workplace outbreaks, that would hurt businesses and increase public awareness. They will just lump them as "workplace other".
They will focus more and more attention on vaccinations and prematurely declare that the "vulnerable are safe now", it's time to reopen Ontario. They will spend more and more time talking about the suffering of business and avoid all talk of the death toll.
This outlines how I formed my prediction. It is based on a simple premise: that a govt elected on jobs and business growth will be focused on just that, prompted by those that back it. It is supported by behaviour to date and a pattern that falls close to Great Barrington.
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