1/ I've been though several periods when stocks rose very quickly and then "repriced down" very quickly. I didn't read about these periods in a book or papers. The best explanation that fits with my experience is Per Bak's self-organised criticality. https://www.guydcutting.com/media/SOC-ScientificAmerican-Bak-Chen.pdf
2/ If you want to understand more about how complex adaptive systems and self organized criticality impact markets I suggest you read this paper by Michael Mauboussin: "THE STOCK MARKET AS A COMPLEX ADAPTIVE SYSTEM." http://www.capatcolumbia.com/Articles/Mauboussin%20-%20CAS.pdf The paper includes this paragraph:
3/ My take away from my experience during periods like this one is that they fit with Per Bak's sand pile model. What this means is: I deal with the risk of possible "swift downward repricing" via asset allocation. Rather than trying to time markets I calibrate my allocations.
4/ "Once a pile of sand is of sufficient size little disturbances can cause full-fledged avalanches. We cannot understand these large changes by studying the individual grains. The system itself gains properties that we must consider separately from the individual pieces." MM
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