We are saddened that the signatories of the letter do not appear to have channelled their energy into encouraging innovation in distance learning and support which could serve to bolster children's mental health in order to limit some of harms caused by isolation.
That the potential for the Internet to be used as a "fantastic communications tool" and provide "a creative and visual style of learning" affording "a positive and interactive experience" as identified by @ProfTanya in the Byron Review has not been celebrated is a travesty.
The report identified the internet to be a platform for children and young people to "express themselves and keep in touch" and is "a fantastic place to meet people and find support, friendship and happiness".

When we consider that internet based interventions such as iCBT are now well established psychological practice, it is a great sadness that the expertise of professionals in this field has not been channelled toward helping craft a recovery curriculum children desperately need
The DfE could also have been more helpful in acknowledging discussion and nuanced debate on the true needs of children, rather than ploughing on with a "business as usual" curriculum.

This is why our 5 Point Plan, issued in advance of the partial closure, included a call for reduction and reorganisation of the curriculum for at least 2 years. https://www.parentsunited.net/5-point-plan/ 
We must stop pretending we can have business as usual, and and demand the very best strategies we can to limit ALL harms to our children.

We must treat children as people, not as an academic football between disciplines.

@IndependentSage gets this right.
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