10 Simple Tips To Help You Grow On Twitter

(From One Newbie To Another)

1. Pick a niche.

You need a certain theme for your account that people will recognise you for.

If you're a jack of all trades you won't do well.

It just confuses people as to what you're about.

Pick a theme you like and stick to it.

Make it your own.
2. Engage.

We all start at 0 followers.

The only way to get eyes on our account is to comment on the accounts of others.

Engage with big accounts in your niche to maximise views.

Make sure your comments add to the original tweet or at the very least are funny.
3. Connect.

Join an engagement group early on.

This is a great way to network and get regular feedback on your tweets.

Most engagement groups will follow, like, comment and RT your posts.

This helps garner social proof for your account, especially early on.
4. Be careful with your words.

There's being controversial and then there's being offensive.

Being controversial will get you attention and engagement.

Being offensive will get you unfollowed or banned.

Don't ruin your reputation before you've even got one.
5. Less is more.

I find that the less I tweet per day, the better I do.

Look to post original tweets 2-4 times a day.

Post too often in a short space of time and your posts will suffer with less engagement.

You're basically sabotaging your own tweets.
6. Pick a time.

Timing your posts right is the difference between low and high engagement.

Find out when your audience is most active and post then.

It can be frustrating waiting for that narrow window but trust me you'll benefit more from it.
7. Follow wisely.

You don't need to follow every account you like.

Follow accounts that will benefit you on your growth journey.

You want to learn from the best. Enough with the meme accounts.
8. Don't kiss ass.

Big accounts are just people.

Sounds obvious but you'll see people changing how they act around big accounts to get attention.

Don't lose your dignity in the effort of finding a follow.
9. Be consistent.

Post quality. Comment often. Do it daily.

Don't go missing for days on end, people will lose interest in your account quickly.

Also, delete your old posts that don't do well.

You want people to see your very best content.
10. Have fun.

When it comes down to it, that's the most important thing.

If you're not enjoying yourself 9/10 days you're online then you're either doing Twitter wrong or it's just not for you.
You can follow @AESTHETICWISD0M.
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