Beijing Biden isn’t a myth, China didn’t suddenly become Good Actually because the elites no longer publicly praise them. What we are seeing is a repeat of the dynamic that had the Kennedy administration act so contrary to their earlier soft stance on communism.
Ike, Nixon, and the GOP beat up the liberals so hard on communism that they felt strong pressure to be antagonistic towards communist governments. This was how we wound up in Vietnam. The liberals didn’t *want* to get involved, but they felt they had to look tough.
This is actually a rare example of the Right winning a messaging war. Trump hit China from the very start and finally his position became the mainstream one bc Covid. Biden’s people turned anti-China once they saw how widely and viscerally unpopular the CCP became in America.
It’s the same reason Trump was very tough on Russia despite actually wanting to normalize relations. Because the liberals painted him into a corner with their anti-Russia messaging.
The danger here is that the Biden team doesn’t have the competency to take China on in the correct way. They can be expected to deploy the same old failed strategies of American FoPo
This is where the danger lies. China hasn’t ceased to be a threat just because the establishment has come around to the idea that they’re a threat, but the Biden admin isn’t competent enough to take on China smartly.
If you wanna deal with China you have to bring in completely new people at State, Commerce, and Defense. You make moves like expanding the Court of International Trade and making it so that it doesn’t cost American companies tens of millions in legal fees to bring dumping cases.
You go after the money laundering and organized criminal activity. Place their overseas nationals under surveillance, work with LatAm and EU partners, and take the capital flight money laundering nexus seriously.
You can follow @GraduatedBen.
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