This morning, the individual stated they must have changed it as well they should b/c @LtGovAB2 should not meddle with democracy. The first photo was current up until last night. The second photo is what that spot now reads. #abpoli #ableg
An individual stated the page did not state what I saying, so I provided the individual screenshots as well as the link to the page. As stated, I figured they would change it. I checked the page before I shared the link. Last night. The page was unchanged.
While that crack comms team (who should ALL be fired, IMO) can change the page- they can't change constitutional law w/o the courts. See link below: legal case before AB Court of Queens Bench re: the powers of the @LtGovAB2 & Governor General of Canada.
While I'm not saying this would happen or that people should lobby the LTGov, this is constitutional law. Not a thing UCP can do about it. The fact that they edited it LAST NIGHT or early this AM? Gross. #FiretheUCP #DropTheWritAB
I'm not good at twitter, not sure this is made as a legit thread. Still learning. It is NOT OK that they altered the page. But altering the page does not alter the law. LtGov has those powers. Dishonesty makes me so angry! @JanisIrwin @DanielleLarivee @RachelNotley
These are the details on the screenshots. The change from this morning and when the original text was still up
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