I kept thinking about this comment last night, so this morning I looked to see if the China Beach cast and crew spoke about that myopia when the war started.

They had.

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-02-15-ca-1199-story.html https://twitter.com/danadelany/status/1352795018688249857
Here’s @RobertPicardo with an incredible quote
Here’s executive producer John Sacret Young
And here’s @DanaDelany
The Gulf War was my generation’s war. We had spent virtually all of our youths in relative peace. Two friends of mine joined the service after they graduated high school in June 1990, expecting quiet deployments. Six months later they were in the Persian Gulf
I met another Gulf War vet in college in 1992, and he’d tell me what it was like to go through a Scud missile attack.
Gulf War vet Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murrah federal building in 1994, killing 168 and wounding 800. The Gulf War led to the permanent stationing of military forces in the region, which inspired Osama bin Laden to attack the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001
Those attacks led to our invading and occupying Afghanistan and Iraq—wars that drag on even to this day. The Gulf War started it all. The lessons of the past were everywhere at the time, even in network television, but we didn’t listen
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