at my 1st reporting job i was given an assignment to interview larry king for his new streaming show and i showed up at his hotel and he was like let’s eat lunch! and so i ate lunch with him for THREE hours and he just asked me questions about the internet and told stories
i do not remember the particulars of the stories because they were long and rambling but i was mesmerized by how little he gave a shit about everything. numerous times he’d get a call on a flip phone and shout like 4 words into it and hang up. like in a movie. amazing stuff.
anyhow at the end he was like, ‘ok gotta go. all that was off the record!’ and i was like, ‘wait we never even talked about your show!’ & he was like, we’ll figure it out!’ & disappeared. and his handler person just shrugged and followed him and i was pretty sure i’d be fired lol
anyhow what i’m trying to say is it seemed like he wasn’t precious about anything and that’s cool. also journalism is cool because it puts you in batshit situations
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