And we’re off - right on time for the Wildrose Independence inaugural AGM.
President Rick Northey notes they do not have availability to hear from the “floor” today but next time maybe.
#ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
The morning events will consist of speakers and the new board election.
Dwayne Hill is the first speaker.
Says he’s been involved in the separatist movement for many years but ramped up in 2015 after Trudeau’s election.
DHill thanks those who came before him, Alberta First, and others.
Says after the NEP was brought in, people started paying attention.
2019 showed Albertans are powerless to stop liberalism even as the province fully rejects it.
DHill says we’ve yet to come to our own but there is a perfect storm to allow us to become master of our own lives.
Says the country ignores and abuses Alberta and our contributions. “Based on past behaviours this (federal) govt has lost all credibility”
Instead of reducing emissions, had forced more emissions with a carbon tax, DHill says. Adds Kenney is either complicit in this or doesn’t care. Says abandonment of rail in rural AB forced trucks on the road and increased fossil fuel use and emissions.
Says devalued currency assists the east and hurts the west. An entire generation has now watched as friends and family have lost all.
Equalization: all provinces were forced to support Ontario and Quebec. Alberta deserves to take back control.
Dwayne Hill Says equalization forced everyone to buy Canadian. Says we should be able to buy from whomever we choose, and import from wherever we choose. Do we transfer wealth to the east, he asks, let me count the ways.
The government should protect your rights, security from foreign invasion and do what is best for us as a province.

Back to Rick Northey who says WIP is not necessarily a separatist party but has its roots in separation.
Northey says December was their best fundraising month to date and membership is up (have to confirm that number, will get back).

RN: a year ago we were just 8 people sitting around a table. We decided to merge with provincial Wexit, the Derek Fildebrandt came around
FCP had party status, WexitAB had members, hence the merge. Then they needed a leader and Paul Hinman came in.

Says pandemic has caused some hiccups but thankful to everyone who is willing to put up with it for now.
RN: we hope to have a proper AGM and policy convention in the next year, as well as a leadership race.
Says whether you’re for independence of separation, WIP is an anti-establishment party - both in Edmonton and Ottawa.
Also, vote-splitting doesn’t exist, he says.
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