1) The Stablecoin Cold War, a $crv thread

@CurveFinance is a DEX that focuses on like token swaps.

If you're hoping to swap between $USDC to $USDT or $WBTC to $SBTC than this is your best bet for low slippage.
2) However, they've recently allowed for cross-pool exchanges, which can get you from $usdc to $wbtc. This uses the @synthetix protocol. Although this is left best for whales because of complexity and gas.

What I want to talk about is the unique and highly effective tokenomics
3) 62% of token issuance goes to liquidity providers. Supply tokens & get rewarded. Nothing special.

Curve tho adds a twist: the pools get TWO multipliers. The 1st is if you "vote lock" ur $crv tokens w them u can get up to 2.5x The more or longer you lock the better.
4) Vote locking ur tokens will also allow u to join on governance.

What has a huge effect on price action is that you also get to vote on gauge weight, which gets updated every Thursday. You can help vote on which pools get the most $crv incentives.
5) Currently there is a war between stablecoin dominance. If curve is the defacto stablecoin #DEX and therefore kingmaker. Stablecoin platforms will want their token to be getting the highest rewards, highest liquidity which would snowball adoption.
$GUSD $USDN are 2 of the highest reward-receiving pools.

Winklevoss vs Ivanov.

America vs Russia. The digital cold war.

Whales are pouring in money through buying curve & likely locking it up for 4 years to ensure their stablecoin gains major adoption and legitimacy.
7) Now have a place to park their stablecoin & earn ~60%.

Some platforms pay exchanges $$$ to list their token for liquidity. Instead of paying, at curve, the Winklevoss give users a highly liquid location for GUSD while earning 60% on it for themselves.
8) I haven't even mentioned the weekly rewards these whales (and u) get for locking up your $crv tokens which makes this a win-win-win situation for stablecoin whales hoping to legitimize their token.
9) Curve has my trifecta.

1. When their's a gold rush, sell shovels (DEX or CEX will do well)

2. Great Tokenomics - They've fished the whales here

3. Platforms that I personally use.

And a bonus 4th. Tokens that have a real product out that's making $$$$.
You can follow @YieldFarmerJoe.
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