A week ago, I realized a fact that I never thought about, but seems clear in retrospect, the Iron Thrones appears in a low number of chapters. This thread is more of a rumble about this than deep analyses, but if you like it any interaction is thanks.
The object that symbolizes the control over the Seven Kingdoms appears in only 12 chapters out of 344, including one in which it’s a dream sequence. But why?
It makes a little more sense if we consider that there are only eighty chapters taking place in KL, but even these POVs can pass entire books without seeing it (Sansa in ASOS). Its appearance tends to follow two patterns. First, we see audiences be held there, by Ned,...
...Tyrion, Joffrey, and Cersei. Each one of them (except Joffrey that is seen from Sansa’s perspective) shows a different mindset to the throne and the power it has. The Dream sequence of Cersei, also, conveys her state of mind towards it and is clearly prophetical of her reign.
Climatic moments of the plots of each KL POV, Ned’s Coup, Sansa’s pledge for mercy, Tyrion’s Trial, and Cersei’s framing of Margarye. The last appearance we have of it is in Kevan’s epilogue in which nobody sits on it, a clear symbol of the vacuum of power in their alliance.
Despite, these limited appearances, the Throne is mention more than two hundred times (in my Spanish translation, without counting tacit mentions). Fitting the idea that “Power is a Shadow on a wall”, legitimizing whatever king possesses it.
Both when Tyrion and Ned sit on it all their words have the power of Law and they are bound to it. Like in real estate location is everything, your power is defined by how near you are to it.
Sansa usually watches it from a distance or not at all, while the rest are usually very near or sitting on it.
The Iron Throne is one of the central parts of the story, and George knowingly decides to hide it from us, saving it for special moments.
I think the show overuse it and it lost its awe, it also matters that the Show’s version was not that giant monstrosity that represents how power can literally kill you.
Here is the excel where I write down all the important statistics I mention earlier. Keep in mind I did this manually using the Wiki and my own translated version of the Books.
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