the most popular opposition movement in russia, which regularly draws mass crowds and comes in second in national elections despite a system rigged against them, is the russian communist party. but the western professional media class prefers to jerk off over crypto-nazi navalny
navalny has about the same amount of support in russia as warren had in the democratic primary, and that's being extremely generous. he is a widely despised figure whose core base is in the newsrooms of the new york times and guardian. more details here:
btw the russian communist party candidate was actually set to win the election against drunk puppet yeltsin who had destroyed the country, but the CIA got involved and rigged it for him. see this thread for more details on that
btw I support anyone who is russian and critiques the russian communist party leadership from the left (as they should be). they're obviously far from ideal especially in the past decade or so, and I know there are people working inside it to steer it toward a more radical course
but if you're a western lib you can go fuck yourself
great thread on navalny being a crypto-nazi
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