McCown is actually a logical person to talk to during this search, if he’s the rising star people believe he is. Here are the problems with it, and they’re all problems in perception and execution ....
1. McCown would be a completely “outside the box” hire as a HC (or even an OC, but especially HC), and this team, and more specifically its EVP of Culture, should get ZERO benefit of the doubt on considering anything “outside the box”. The PERCEPTION of the team is an issue.
2. That said, I think the people making these decisions are either unaware of the team’s perception out on the streets (HIGHLY unlikely, they listen) or just don’t care about how they’re perceived (VERY likely). Which bring us to the EXECUTION...
3. Again, interviewing McCown makes sense, even if he’s a long shot. I think, generally speaking, the sports watching public underrate or flat out don’t get the value of intel-gathering that you can get from job interviews that you KNOW won’t result in an offer. For both sides...
4. HOWEVER, dropping a tweet on Friday afternoon at the 11th hour of the process about a long shot, “outside the box” candidate FEELS like “what the hell are they doing over there?” (which is a TOTALLY JUSTIFIED FEELING stemming from, well, EVERYTHING over the last 18 months)
5. Again, there are a lot of GOOD reasons to talk to McCown, even at this stage of the game — possible role on the staff, maybe he is the backup backup’s backup plan if everything falls thru, intel gathering for the future — but a random tweet with no detail furthers chaos..
6. Also, my guess is they didn’t JUST start talking to McCown about coaching on Friday. He’s been in the building for 3 months. So why announce it NOW? (You could argue, why announce it at all. It’s not like you need to be transparent talking to someone you have under contract)..
7. In conclusion, if McCown is the future coaching gem some believe, then great. You’d be doing a disservice NOT to talk to him. But this team’s lack of self awareness or clunky process (both?) are exactly why we’re left w/ a QB tweeting rap lyrics like some sort of bizarre SOS.
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