2/ 6 Then some relevant podcasts on #frontedadverbials or why we make kids learn #grammar. What’s the point? Well, @davcr explained http://bit.ly/DavidCrystalLinguistics that naming the parts of a car doesn’t teach you to drive it, or set off to a destination. Writing is similar. Here’s why ⬇️
4/6 Writers don’t start off thinking “How many of X grammatical feature can I squeeze into this piece?” @MichaelRosenYes in part 2 http://bit.ly/MichaelRosen2  explains how Literacy has taken over from Literature in school, and why language is always ‘language in use’. ⬇️
5/6 Then @KateClanchy1 explored how her incredible multilingual students’ poetry emerged from a combination of having something to express and the creative process. It’s a beautiful thing, with nary a fronted adverbial in sight at the start of the process: https://bit.ly/KateClanchy2 
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