Everyone know @TheNotoriousMMA

The most captivating man in combat sports history returns tonight.

I went from despising him with every fiber of my being, to admiring him and wanting to emulate him.

Quick thread on that 180 degree turn and how it resulted from looking inward.
MMA has been my obsession for 15 years.

It is the origin of sport in its most pure form.

Two athletes locked in a cage in a simulated death match

These men and women deserve our utmost respect for what they put their bodies through.

I had none for Conor Mcgregor.
When Conor McGregor arrived on the scene in 2013, I despised him.

I felt he was being given a path to a title shot that other fighters before him earned.
What I failed to realize:

-The dollar rules all. You are worth exactly what the free market dictates you’re worth.

-Nobody is owed ANYTHING. If you want something you go out and you take it by force.
I arrived at a place in life where I buried unrealized potential for the sake of comfort.

The hatred I was feeling was a projection of my hatred for myself.

I was living safe, knowing deep in my subconscious I was wasting my potential. Hoping for things to fall into my lap.
I was born with an undying belief in myself and my skill set.

Conor exudes that same undying belief in himself. It’s evident in every sound bite.

I resented him because what he rattled off in interviews were things I used to affirm to the man in the mirror.
What was the difference between us? Clearly miles apart.

He was realizing his potential while mine was decaying in comfort and mediocrity.

I had to face some harsh truths.
Results don’t come from belief alone.

They come from belief coupled with a savage’s work ethic.

You are going NOWHERE if you feel sorry for yourself and your situation.

It was necessary to identify that the work wasn’t matching the belief.
Hate and ridicule are forms of envy.

My hatred was a direct result of envy.

When I stopped feeling sorry for myself and took my destiny into my own hands, I began to appreciate what Conor is to the sport of MMA.
This is a man who took his family from welfare to generational riches.

He did so through

-undying self belief and affirmation
-refusal to be out worked by the competition

Because of how authentic his self-belief was, it resonated with the entire globe. Stardom.
If you hate a man who’s done exactly what he’s said he’ll do in resounding fashion, you aught to look inward to see what’s in need of fixing.
I looked inward and began to fix what was broken.

That moment created an avalanche of positive momentum in my life.

One that will result in me taking what I want by force.

One accompanied by a rigorous work ethic to match.
Good luck to all the fighters tonight.

I know we’re in for a hell of a show.

My favorite Conor clip we’d all benefit from embodying today and everyday.
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