Further mishandling of #coronavirus by the HK government
Let me be clear, this is dog-whistling by the government
This week officials singled our our ethnic minorities and blamed them for a surge of cases, instead of their own failures
This in turn led to a surge of racism against our fellow Hongkongers, who are also in EM communities.
People from all walks of life have followed/broken rules on distancing/masking over the last year

There have been lots of outbreaks due to privileged people mingling w/o masks
A lot of HK twitter users have eloquently outlined the discrimination EM HKers face on daily basis so I will not repeat here
For a gov to scapegoat our minority communities is highly irresponsible
The thread exist to remind our fellow HKers to be not fall into gov's ploy
There are many ways to contain the virus
Here's how NOT to
- Locking down an area with hardly any warning
- Explain measures in Cantonese while lots of the residents may not speak it
- Target the poorest and most marginalised community in HK to look like they are doing sth

Before this thread gets out of hand
I will end it here by saying this,

Mask works
Get vaccinated (Pfizer, Moderna, or Oxford, to name a few proper ones)
Ventilate your flat
Social distance

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