Yesterday’s poll on “whether I should tell the reason why China is building new villages near Arunachal Pradesh“ gave a good response. Hence today I will give the reason
China’s new scheme of building homes will make Tibetians living in China feel happy even after their bad treatment as they are getting good quality homes.
This building of new homes will also make Tibetians PRO-CCP and ANTI-DALAI LAMA.
We must see the population density of Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet. As we can see population density in Arunachal Pradesh is more than Tibet.
This can help Indian Army in spotting and tracking Chinese soldiers easily with the help of locals.
Example is how in Kargil War a local spotted Pakistani army and informed Indian Army.
When people start living in this “DISPUTED AREA” claiming it by India can be difficult. This can have bad effects in long term especially on nature. But 😒does China listen to environmentalists? No. Here is how India can retaliate.
Step 1: Copy China’s strategy of building new villages near the border
Step 2: Bring Investments in those villages so that people can survive by earning and even support the local tourism.
Step 3: Improve the infrastructure like roads, railways and airports
Step 4: Install High Quality Radar System.

Remember if India had installed Good Quality Radars in Galwan, Galwan Valley Incident would not happen.
Step 5: Use more drones so as to monitor border area.
Step 6: Improve the clothing of Indian Soldiers.
Step 7: Public must try to Boycott “MADE IN CHINA” goods as much as possible
Step 8: Unite all those nations which hate China.
Few ways how to deal with China.
If you have any other suggestions feel free to tweet below
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