*Networks of disinformation: a thread.*

The covid-sceptic campaign group @pcrclaims have deleted all their tweets from before the last couple of days.

They are trying to cover their tracks & look more 'respectable' by deleting stuff like the below (from 16 December). 👇
But they still claim Covid is a "pseudo epidemic".

Their website features Clare Craig saying:

"it is all based around false positive test results, when there is no real disease behind it, and I think that's what we are seeing here." (2/3)

Concerningly, it seems to be part of a network of slick disinfo sites:

http://chinafiles.org  / @china_files

The sites share people. EG Mike Yeadon has his own site & *was* a spokesman for PCRclaims.
I say *was* because, strangely, 11 of 13 people previously listed as spokespeople for PCRclaims have been deleted. Cached version left, new on right.

(Thomas Binder is a prolific conspiracy theorist. Nick Hudson runs another covid-sceptic website, PANDA)

Some of these sites may also have been registered around the same times to the same server (though I'm no techie) https://twitter.com/ko0bf4c3/status/1352063731518353411
Despite the track-covering and multiple front orgs, they are all pushing the same disinformation: to deny or minimise Covid.

And they're still getting pickup from mainstream media - e.g. https://twitter.com/JuliaHB1/status/1352929924458405888
This has real world consequences. I talked to an elderly constituent the other day who won't get vaccinated because of this sort of stuff.

People spouting rubbish online leads to him being at higher risk in the real world.

Postscript: a connected domains search shows that Mike Yeadon's campaign, "PCR claims" and the "new" HARTgroup are all connected by an IP address.

New fronts, same old agenda.
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