Leftists keep complaining that liberals only like Bernard now that's an unthreatening meme, and it feels necessary to point out the whole thing about liberals is that they like unthreatening things in general.
Look back upon all the liberal social media movements and it's always something with extremely little thought or symbolism required, like Nancy Pelosi's orange coat or MuellerTime.
Liberals do not like to be challenged. Of COURSE they like Bernard looking grumpy and powerless. Liking the meme is completely consistent with their resistance to his presidency and his movement.
Just to clear that up for the Bernard Brothers who are outraged that liberals like the meme but not the man! That's the whole point.
I mean, you're dealing with people (liberals) who found a way to make Republicans James Comey and Robert Mueller into Resistance heroes. They are less into the policy issues and strict ideology than they are into the illusion of a Hallmark politics where everyone gets together.
There's a Blues Traveler lyric I've always loved from "Runaround"

-- "a bad play, where the hero's right/And nobody thinks or expects too much"

About ppl who avoid as many challenges as possible, and that's basically liberals. They want the dunk, the shortcut, the easy way 🤷🏻‍♀️
I swear, if Bernard had made some good dunks or leaned into his virality earlier, he'd be a Resistance hero too. Liberals really do not care about ideology. They'll take any policy if you make it look like a cool dunk.
Anyway, the day that progressives find a viral way to spoon-feed Medicare 4 All to liberals is the day we actually get some useful policies. Leftists just want to be right, but liberals need their politics to be adorable.
A lot of liberals are like Rahm, you know? They think they're golden children who are destined for achievement and ease, and any inconvenience is an imposition on their self-mythology and identity. Anyone who questions them is attacking their identity as the heroes of their story
The needle for leftists to thread, IMO, is how to make liberals see that things aren't working and there a need for change while ALSO allowing liberals to feel like the easy-A good guys for supporting the existing oppressions of the current order.
If you want the simplistic Hallmark version, liberals see themselves as jocks, and leftists see themselves as nerds, and that's why our bleak, bleak American political system still follows the rules of the high-school cafeteria.
Needless to say, but I will keep saying it: Media is implicated in this because many reporters at national outlets, having mastered a rise through the establishment of journalism, tend to think all institutions and establishments are good -- or at least manageable.
ALSO needless to say, Republicans are even more attached to the status quo than liberals are, which is why liberals are far more willing to align with Republicans in "unity" than they are with the left, which wants to shatter the status quo.
Thanks for coming to my TED tweets, now I must go pet my cat.
I love a dog story and will read them all day, but this is exactly what I mean about liberals wanting politics to be adorable.

Imagine giving credit for the Georgia win to a(cute) dog and not to millions of Black voters who resisted voter suppression. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/23/us/politics/raphael-warnock-puppy.html
"Why did a Black man win a hotly contested race? It couldn't have been millions of dollars spent on reversing race-based voter suppression and guiding people to the polls. It must have been a dog! Yes, a dog! Now we don't have to see race, whew!" -- liberals
Ngl, I would pet the hell out of that little guy. He's so cute. But he's not the reason we have an evenly split Senate now. Humans did that.
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