there are high profile left accounts on here who spent 4 years ramping up for the 2020 primaries (and building brands as politics understanders), then the dnc wiped bernie out in four days, and someone decided to pause society to the benefit of the wealthiest people on earth.
almost every one of these high profile left accounts omitted to ask a single important question about the covid response and indeed spent the last ten months depicting people who want their lives back as idiots who just want to drink at a bar or "denialists" or whatever.
the covid response is the most important political crisis of our lives and on this issue there is zero daylight between soi-disant marxist revolutionaries and msnbc talking heads.
instead, the marxists spend an inordinate amount of time heaping scorn on the "post-left."
so these accounts who built brands as adversarial to the democratic party leadership and power structure, turned out to be loyal foot soldiers of the very camp they claimed to oppose. they are instead concerned by a few randos who remain adversarial, as they once pretended to be.
anyway, none of this really matters. do you know who decided over a year of lockdowns was our fate? of course you don't! nobody does! the country is run by a separate power structure from the pseudo-democratic one you get to participate in by voting every now and then.
but it's important to note how completely the high profile leftists failed. started out as radicals, now just policing the fringes of left discourse on behalf of the powerful, trying to tamp down dissent and/or independent thought. (as if there's not enough pressure to conform!)
and of course the workers, in whose interests they claimed to be acting, are getting destroyed by pseudo-science mad politicians and the richest people on earth are reaping everything there is, and the response from the big leftists is incoherent, servile, utterly useless.
but never once have they broken the character of a smug know-it-all who is right about everything and is also really cool and funny and a way better marxist and a way better leftist than you could ever be.
all pretty childish, and in retrospect, no shit these guys lost to biden.
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