It’s time for Caroline’s Super Saturday Sign up thread again! Don’t get my Sunday newsletter? Sign up here  . Want more Caroline in your life? What’s wrong with you? But still all the links are here  - now on with the news!
So Trump is no longer President. But the Former Presidents Act 1958 means he gets transition costs, staff costs, lifetime security protection, huge pension + security briefings but will he lose them if impeached? Nobody knows because no President has been successfully impeached.
But anyway onto the positives scenes from the inauguration. It was really brilliant (just don’t mention Garth Brooks)
Oh and I could literally do an entire thread of just Bernie memes but it’s got out of hand now. I’ll just leave my favourite here. 
I have to admit I’ve got a little obsessed with new White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. It’s just amazing to have proper press briefings back and to almost imagine there’s someone like CJ Cregg in charge of information from the White House to the press
In fact, and I know Joe Biden has flaws, this video of him laying out the high standards he expects of everyone in the executive branch of the government was pure Aaron Sorkin schmaltz and something the UK government could do with listening to.
Or just our country where a former Supreme Court Judge thinks your life is less valuable if you are disabled.
And finally, it’s all fun and game laughing at Armie Hammer and his cannibal fetish but the implications of the stories around him are far more indicative of misogyny in general
Until next week
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