1. Schedule: 

The Military has told media stations to anticipate a public declaration of Martial Law by Sun. 24 Jan. 

Military troops were well aware of to whom they should be loyal in the dual government forces over them: "I am a National Guard soldier from the...
2. ...District of Columbia Army National Guard. Rumor going around for days is we aren't here [in DC] for B*iden. We are here to seize power for the real president, President Trump. My commanding officer just confirmed it. The order will come in the dead of night on [Tue-Wed]...
3. ... the 19/20th. When you wake up on [Wed] the 20th we will have seized all the organs of power in DC for President Trump and B*iden and his cabinet along with TONS of senators and reps will be in cuffs. Everyone I have talked to is ready to go. We are ready to save America."
4. (After a bomb threat this decision to begin Mass Arrests was later deferred for 36 hours). 

This past week the Pedo-Sat*anist D*eep State psychopaths have made threats to kill people in an attempt to stop and delay the RV/GCR. They have done so dozens of times in the...
5. ... past months and years. 

Dr. Charlie Ward claimed that he received a video of the complete B*iden Inauguration ceremony at 7 am Spain time on Wed. 20 Jan. (1:00 am EST). If so, this would prove that the B*iden Inauguration was pre-recorded, though all US TV stations...
6. ... portrayed it as live. It was likely a psy-op set up by the Cabal and allowed to air by the Alliance in order to catch them in an act of treason. You see, Trump and the Military were still in charge. 

On Wed. 20 Jan. right before B*iden's illegal inauguration the...
7. ... D*eep State made threats of widespread bloodshed. 

On Wed. 20 Jan. a National Guard flag officer spokesman in DC said in an ABC News Good Morning America interview that he was "proud of the almost 25,000 National Guardsmen who have come in from all 50 states and...
8. ... territories to help support the Secret Service and the police departments with a peaceful transition to Military Power.” This was a reference to the present interim military govt overseeing Washington DC and the US. https://phibetaiota.net/2021/01/unrig-video-0026-could-this-be-ng-in-dc-to-support-peaceful-transition-to-military-power/
9. This was referring to the current interim US Military Government (1) getting the GCR/ RV out now and (2) overseeing and removing the illegal unconstitutional, foreign owned and controlled DC swamp govt and B*iden administration in order to transition the country to the...
10. ... restored Republic under NESARA / GESARA. 

Due to D*eep State bomb threat, the timing of the above was delayed by 36 hours. It was now again on track going forward. Mass arrests started behind the scenes as of Thurs. 21 Jan.

On Fri. 22 Jan. at 12:20 pm & 1:20 pm...
11. ... EST Department of Defense orders went out to arrest the DC Swamp and move things forward so that bond seller recipient accounts were made liquid over the weekend. 

On Fri. 22 Jan. the Military would publish a list of those in Congress wanted for crimes and minuets...
12. ... later Congress would be taken over by the Military Police. They were expected to arrest 67% of the members of Congress. 

On Sat. 23 Jan. House of Representatives Dillman would submit impeachment articles on B*iden. 

A Military Intel Contact said that by Sun 24...
13. ... Jan things should become clearer to the American people. The Military could announce over the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) a suspension of B*iden's illegal presidency & expose that we were already in a temporary interim form of government overseen by the US military.
14. “The illegal presidency of pedo-Satanist Joe B*iden should begin to be disclosed, along with the disclosure of the crimes of many other traitors / criminals in DC.” 

On that Sun. 24 Jan. we could expect a major release of the crimes of Congress. Prosecution of all these...
15. ... crimes including sedition would start with a special counsel. 

On Mon. 25 Jan. there may be a communication blackout. 

On Wed. 27 Jan. the remaining B*iden members of the House were expected to nominate Trump for US President in exchange for Presidential Pardons.
16. From Thurs. 28 Jan. to 4 Feb. a congressional committee would prosecute seditions on members of both parties. 

Sometime between Mon. 24 Jan. to 4 Feb. the temporary interim form of government overseen by the US military would be announced. President Trump would be...
17. ... appointed president. All remaining B*iden Administration members and congress would be pardoned if they supported Trump as president. 

Prosecution would begin for all traitors in Congress, Judicial system and the B*iden Administration. Over the next 30-60 days the...
18. ... Military would be neutralizing, arresting or removing D*eep State Dem & RINO GOP governors and mayors who controlled states and cities across the country.
19. Military Intel Contact asked for prayers and advised us to stay ready for Tier 4B notification anytime from now to Tues. 26 Jan. 

The White Hats were highly confident and very happy that victory was assured on both the RV/GCR release and arrests of the DC Swamp government.
20. As Trump, Gen Flynn and other patriots have said, “The Best is Yet to Come!” 

Hang in there, pray and enjoy the show coming over the next several days.
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