The conversation is not that some trans women cannot win in women sport. It’s that women sport is created to celebrate exceptional biological women not mediocre males or males that need to be weakened in order to be on a leveled field. #BidenErasedWomen
People celebrating the order under the disguise of trans right should know that it doesn’t help biological women in anyway because no matter how many women identify as men, they will never have a place in men sport. The only win here is for males. #BidenErasedWomen
The worst part of this whole debacle is the harassment of women who dares to point out the obvious, branding them #TERFs and dismissing their concerns as transphobia. If you are just joining this conversation, welcome, women have been at it for a while now. #BidenErasedWomen
There are so many facets to this discourse not just sports but the overview of it is that if women are being redefined to mean anything else than being born female, woman can no longer fight for the issues only females face because gender has been made to replace sex.
Protection for women will be more difficult because being a woman has now become anyone who identifies as a woman and not people who are truly women. Remember the only people losing anything here are the women...
They are the ones that need proper legal protection, the ones that need to be properly named at all times, they are the ones that need the safe spaces, that need to fight for their voices to be heard, that need to not be regarded as lesser, ones without the biological advantage..
that have been subjugated for so many years, all these because they were born female and not because they identified as women. If the true meaning of woman is erased the issues will still persist but it will be even harder to fight against them...
There are things you need to understand.

That ‘trans women are women’ is completely false and has no basis in reality or biology or anything they had tried to make you believe in.

That the trans lobby are looking to the erasure of the use of the word women in literature...
for issues that should concern only women under the faux concern for trans men.

That Trans right activism is nothing like the gay rights activism from the past. They have successfully attached themselves by forming the LGBT and misleading people that the gay community..
is for Trans right. They are so many gay people including some trans people themselves fighting against the new Transgender activism. Some are just now waking up to it

That they are currently pushing gender ideology on impressionable children in schools...
and spreading misinformation about sex.

There are a lot more you will get to understand but do not turn a blind eye to this truth because of fear of the rabid genderist folks who have succeeded partly in misinforming the public. There is too much at stake. #BidenErasedWomen
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