36 of 45 police forces in the UK (from England and Wales) provided data saying that there were over 10,400 reports between 2015 and 2019 that’s an average of more than 2000 a year.

@survivorsuk highlight important info


@Melmbr @helenclifton
What we really have to remember is that this data is based on what is reported and recorded - usually from ONS/crime stats. This only tells us a part of the picture.

As this recording highlights, under-reporting is an issue when women abuse boys/men
Male victims are worried they'll be falsely accused of perpetuating abuse themselves, they are worried their ideas around masculinity might be threatened, and Dads are worried they won't see their kids. We must stop relying solely on data that is reported to police/ONS.
Good to hear police acknowledging the factors related to female perpetrated abuse. I used to work closely with police and I would often hear them laughing & joking about women suspected of grooming a boy. They never laughed/joked about men suspected of grooming girls
Good to hear people highlighting how attitudes around female perpetrators are unhelpful, but sadly not uncommon. What also doesn't help is how when males do disclose, support services are geared more towards helping males and females.
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