i can't stop thinking about #dickinson maybe this adds nothing to the discussion about the central theme of FAME maybe it does... but i must tweet, my mind is buzzing.
i couldn't stop thinking about ep 4 (a personal fave) and the way frederick law olmstead had such a sincere and instant kinship with emily, the warmth in his eyes, the kindess and his advice.. emily realizing she is not a daisy, she is the sun.
she is not a daisy... she shouldn't be uprooted, plucked and presented for people to marvel at. and now i ask you to remember: Nobody. he kept showing up (ep1-3) and told emily, fame is not something to chase or embody, it would destroy her. stay away.
and now look at the bigger picture, consider how both olmstead and nobody were the projections of her subconscious telling her that the celebrity samuel bowles presents is calamitous. and she hasn't been writing or reciting poems since he's showed up.
and don't forget in s1 Death told her, her fame and immortality will come from breaking the rules. translation: not from the traditional printing press and salons.
and i stil think this scene from ep 1 is majorly overlooked, when it's so so important in understanding the narrative frame and major theme of s2. emily wants to be seen and heard and understood..but only by her 'private public' a select few.
and at this point i would like to introduce the philosophy of L’art pour l’art/Art for art's sake by early 19th century writers such as Oscar Wilde and Poe. "The work itself is the gift, not the praise for it"
i just want all of us to stop focusing on samuel bowles by realigning and shifting our perspective...fame, sex, power, creativity... emily has to grapple it all and she is struggling. she can't navigate her celebrity the way sue excels at it.
emily is adrift. she is not in her insular and safe world anymore. in s1 she was fighting for herself. for her craft, in s2 she has to forge a deal with the devil if she wants to be published...the song choice in #dickinson ep5 didn't escape my attention. #devilisinthebackseat
to close this thread, let me just say: i can't wait to see the second half of this season. we are inching closer and closer toward a ledge, a breaking point...and i trust the vision of the show, wholeheartedly.
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