Why can't you have a sensible debate/chat on here?

You're not a virgin if you want a CB, you're not a top red if you don't want to get rid of the owners.

People on this app are so desperate to "label" you as a person so they can either agree with you or dismiss you.
FSG haven't been great owners, nor have they been awful owners.

I've seen people call them terrorists or horrible owners. I've also seen people say that if you demand a signing from the club you're a virgin or a FIFA child.
I want this club to sign a CB so that we can stay at the top of the game.
The risks of not signing someone far outweighs the rewards of not signing someone.

FSG aren't perfect but they aren't the best owners ever. Can't think of many top clubs who have great owners...
You can't then also say that those who spend loads of money are great owners. That's not a valid argument for them.

Anyway, Klopp's annoyed and frustrated, he should be backed. Edwards and co need to pull their finger out. So much isn't stake in this crazy season.
I'm proper sick of people labelling others of "FSG out =child/virgin" and those who say "top reds are everywhere and will defend the owners to the hilt"

Both have context, both have their reasons but so quickly those "debates" turn childish and name calling
If you don't like someone opinion, keep scrolling.

Those who blindly say FSG are great, take context of the bad things they have done(furlough, trade mark of Liverpool) Those who say FSG should get out, who brought Klopp to the club? Who's wanted to restore us to the top?
You can't have one without the other. You can't bash them for not backing club and not having ambition when they brought Klopp in.

You can't blindly say FSG are good owners without taking the furlough, trademark, ticket price rises all into context.
Anyway, I think I have rambled enough.

Have a boss weekend, hopefully the reds can shoot the ball past the goalkeeper but into the net. The small things.

Have a happy Klopp to cheer you up this gloomy Saturday morning.
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