So, the committee headed by a commie NGO activist who's working hard for #breakingIndia projects funded by enemy countries through FCRA is the primary source of argument against strategic infrastructure projects for Chin-dic Collective. Wonderful!
One of the 'trust'ees of Chin-dic Collective had once famously argued that the highway width should be limited one lane per carriageway, just enough for a two wheeler. He gave out their plan to oppose (in the name of dharma) key infra for military from being built, inadvertently.
Geologist Naveen Juyal, darling of NDTV and SANDRP NGO (check out their anti-India activities) is also loved by subtly-SANDRP guys.
Hemant Dhyani is of course a commie, you clown! He is not even a scientist. He is a sociologist running NGOs. He belong in the illustrious gang of Prashant Bhushan and Himanshu Thakkar 🤣🤣🤣
Wow. Sushila Bhandari, Laxman Bhandari - a few more illustrious people who are associated with the तरक्षु called Hemant Dhyani, a scientist as per Chindic Collective. This is beyond comedy now! 😂
While their masters are building infra along the border at record pace, the lapdogs are busy stalling any attempt to improve critical infra on our side of the border by invoking arbitrary ecology and dharma reasons.
Also, read threads by @alok_bhatt and @Ateendriyo exposing the people who are friends of Chindic Collective. It is amply clear that this bunch uses dharma as a facade to further typical anti-India NGO agenda.
The same stable ran a campaign in mid-2019 against Kedarnath redevelopment project claiming Modi was harming the ecology & sanctity of the place. It showed their true colours. I wrote a detailed piece explaining facts:
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