I see more than a few tweets on people losing focus creatively. I'll have weeks of running at a tenth of creative output, and then have a few days of crazy output and drop down to meh. It's part of pandemic live, no outlet ,limited recharge. Do not beat yourself up over it .
I've always had some form of hyper focus, but it's not a switch. Can only use it for things that 'grab' me.

So my trick , if no focus, go do something lazy until I find a thread of focus. Just make something silly don't worry about timelines , deadlines, just zone out.
And if there is nothing , yeh accept it. Go take a walk. My longest walk away from good creative work,. Probably 3 months. But it always comes back. Best not to worry about, take a break. I like video games, :) or hang with the kids.
Actually my best trick I learned a few years ago. Have a sleep and make what you wake up with. I kid you not. I'll wake up : giant flying eel. Or turtle with it's flippers tied up. And regardless without question I'll just go make it. it's been a consistent font of flow.
And for people with atypical acronym based brains. Ive stopped fighting it long time ago.. brain says "shiny new thing.I just go do that. I just make a strong mental appointment to return to point X within usually a day at max. But have digressed for weeks...months. as well.
Difficulty is that I always have to obsessively polish everything to about 85% nice. I cannot work in greyboxes , cannot hold to a sprint goal and am obsessive about wrapping things. And cannot iterate rapidly. Cuz sometimes that's boring. Takes months to circle back sometimes.
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