500 attendees at this conference today. David Pilgrim introduces @brunskellevans. Brunskell-Evans is talking about the institutional capture of the medical profession: the CQC and Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust are both members of the Stonewall Diversity Champions scheme.
On what evidential grounds can a barrister in court claim that a 10 year old can consent to treatment that will leave her infertile with life-long consequences she cannot possibly understand?
Queer theory reverses the common meanings of the terms 'sex' and 'gender', this theory underpins WPATH guidelines followed by the GIDS, and is pushed by trans lobby groups such as Mermaids and Gendered Intelligence.
Julie Bindel @bindelj now talking of her personal experience in this area since 2004. Apology & capitulation after being accused of transphobia is never effective. Once targeted they smell blood, we can never do enough. This is misogyny disguised as 'right side of history.'
"I am not transphobic, I absolutely refute that." Bindel documents the beginning of transwomen organising to be seen as real women at a time when feminism was being rebranded as a movement beneficial to men - 'liberal feminism.'
A collective coercive control method had come in. The climate today is total fear. It's not a slow creeping capture, it's a contagion. Bullying wears an organisation down and they capitulate through fear. 'We support trans rights' because we don't want that to happen to us.
The further we allow this capture to creep, we will be done for.
Q & A now. Brunskell-Evans talking about the importance of the law, eg Keira Bell, but that the real problem is that people have imbibed this ideology - it is presented as truth and has been accepted as truth. We can't rely on the law, it is a social problem, a contagion.
David Bell talking about the sex-reversal in referrals and the 75% adolescent girls now misunderstanding themselves as 'boys' due to internalised misogyny and self-hatred. Most are lesbians and the affirmative approach is a new form of gay conversion therapy.
Break time now, back soon.
Prof David Pilgrim is next, talking about the book he is writing on Identity Politics, closely aligned with social movements since the 60's. Identity politics predicated on 'lived experience' - dynamic is if you're not in this group you're on the outside, leads to moralisations.
Post-modern thought was brought together with American Individualism. The two key features are use of language and the idea 'I can be who I want to be.' Everyone must be equal and everyone must have an 'identity.' Brings in divisiveness, sets people against one another.
First mode of thinking is quick and reactionary, second, slower mode of thinking is deeper, more reflective and can accept ignorance and contradiction. Identity politics encourages first mode.
Where does it lead us, where do we go next? Representative politics, can we defend it though it has its faults? Can we experiment with new ways to defend the individual, more subtle ways we can join together as human beings?
Now Prof Michael Biggs. Queer theory + social media + puberty blockers = 'the transgender child'. Emerged late 20th century due to medical and technological advances.
Puberty blockers used to castrate sex offenders and should be reserved for high offenders because of the serious side effects. Dose given to children is the same. 1996 and 1998 Dutch papers referred to 'juvenile transsexuals' and 'transsexual adolescents.' PB seen as a 'cure'.
Gooren, endocrinologist, and Cohen-Kettenis were instrumental in creating the 'Dutch protocol' and changing the law. Wanted puberty blockers as early as possible, how your body looks is the most important consideration, how well you will 'pass' Funded by pharmaceutical companies.
'Puberty blockers are reversible' means you don't need a child's consent. 98% of children who start puberty blockers go on to take cross-sex hormones. 1996 article by Gooren states cross-sex identity behaviour is related to future homosexuality. Which begs the question..
DiCeglie at GIDS resisted mounting pressure to give puberty blockers below age of 16. Polly Carmichael took over and immediately embarked on the experiment of puberty blockers from age 12, then Tanner stage 2 of puberty, which could be age 10.
Although at first Polly Carmichael was honest about the reversibility of puberty blockers (unknown) in 2014 she appeared on CBBC doc 'I am Leo' telling an audience of 6 - 12 year-olds that puberty blockers are just a 'pause button' - press the button and puberty resumes as normal
Puberty blockers is a medical technology for creating transgender children. Two rhetorical tricks: 'reversible' and 'diagnostic'. Existence of puberty blockers facilitates cross-sex fantasy.
Q & A now. Michael talking about the risks for autistic children. David Bell questions the ethics of any trial of puberty blockers, that it is unethical to ask children to take part in such a trial.
Michael Biggs spoke about articles he wrote for Transgender Trend on the Tavistock's experimentation with puberty blockers - the collection is available as a Free download on our website here:
A half hour break now, back at 1.15 for Clinical Perspectives. Don't miss these speakers! Lisa Marchiano @LisaMarchiano, Marcus Evans @marcusevanspsyc, Sue Evans @sueevansprotect. Followed by Feminist Perspectives at 2.45. #DoNotAdjustYourSet
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