Dear Pro-Lifers:

If 4K people dying daily doesn't motivate you to social-distance & avoid social gatherings, you don't believe in the sanctity of life.


Actions > Words. What are you DOING to save lives from COVID?
2/Those of you who cite your 'rights' to recklessly spread a virus claiming thousands of lives daily sound just like mothers claiming their 'rights' to take their child's life.

No, it isn't just about you.

Your rights end where they infringe on another's RIGHT TO LIFE. Period.
3/Just like mothers have no right to make decisions about their own body that rob their unborn child of life, you have no right to make decisions about your own body (whether you wear a mask, where you go, who you spend time around) that will rob another of life.
4/'I'm not sick,' you say. But 59% of COVID transmission is by asymptomatic carriers of COVID, per WebMD. You really don't know if you have it or not. The next time you go out with others you could spread it to all of them without even knowing you're sick.
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