TL;DR - A user I banned from my discord named Jenni/TheGuardianQ/TheGuardianQueen is hopping between discord servers, threatening me, and has made sexual advances on folks without consent.

ITT I talk about who Jenni is, why she's dangerous, and address her accusations against me
TW pedophilia

Jenni joined my server early into my streaming career. She made friends with a number of folks, but eventually someone came to me saying her twitter had some bad stuff on it. we checked, and Jenni was defending and consuming written and drawn porn of minors
I talked to Jenni hoping for some answers. She confirmed she believed in what she was posting, said she wouldn't retweet it anymore if I let her stay, which I didn't. She was banned, and I didn't hear from her for quite some time
Jenni was pretty well known in my discord server, so I knew people would notice that she was gone. I kept her name private and made a small announcement saying we had to remove a member of the community, and allowed those who were close to her to DM me for information.
That was pretty much it. The only person I reached out to on my own accord was one of Jenni's partners at the time. I asked if they knew what happened, and they said no. I explained the situation and they broke up with Jenni shortly after on their own accord.
My mods reached out to a small number of community owners as well, giving them the low down on what had happened, and leaving their choice on how to react up to them.
Fast forward a few months to now, and Jenni has been claiming by banning her, I've abused her, making a callout post here on twitter as well as hopping between discord communities to share her accusations.
I've been getting DMs from server owners for a couple months now regarding Jenni's server hopping. Just recently, however, I was given the very concerning information that Jenni made unwanted sexual advances to one of these server owners.
Obviously I cant know if this is something that will happen again or if this was a one-off, but quite frankly, I don't think that matters, and the fact that one person has come to me about it means there could always be more.
On top of this, a conversation between Jenni and another person was recently shared with me, where Jenni expressed that she wanted to dox me. "Active threat to their well being" is the phrase that sticks out to me the most.
Now with all that said, I'd like to address every abuse accusation Jenni has made against me that I can find. To begin, Jenni has said that after the ban, I targeted her friends on my server as well as her current partner. This is fully untrue.
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, the only person I messaged was Jenni's ex. Nobody else messaged me about the situation. As for Jenni's partner, one of my mods DID message her, but it was an amicable discussion, as Jenni's partner used to moderate for my mod.
Another issue Jenni's taken with me is that they are calling me hypocritical for how I handled the Kirbuncle situation, a long time ago. This part bothers me, because I was affected by this situation extremely personally, and I did a hell of a lot of work when this went down.
Essentially, on the day Kirbuncle was revealed to be a groomer, I did not make a public post about it. Instead, I made a discord announcement warning folks about the "a/nt/i-a/nt/i" movement, which is a topic I've talked to death by now. Here's my reasoning for that.
In short, I had a personal rule at the time that I would not name people who were banned from my server, no matter the offense, to prevent witchhunts. The Kirbuncle situation made me rethink that rule, but not for a few days after I ruminated on it.
On the day of, instead of discussing Kirbuncle publicly, I simply said we had banned a pedophile, and I then went on to disparage the "a/nt/i-a/nt/i" movement. This is because it is a very popular group of folks normalizing pedophilia, and I didn't want more people indoctrinated.
Later the same day, some people in venting asked if we could talk about the Kirbuncle situation, and I said yes. I later helped lead an initiative in a large mod channel I help run to warn every single person individually in Kirb's server about them. I never kept this a secret.
Jenni also mentions I made her audience leave her streams. Jenni's audience was largely made up of friends of hers who were in my server. I didn't ask anyone to stop going to her streams, those choices were made entirely independently.
The last claim I can find is that Jenni says I targeted a friend of hers for agreeing with her when she called me out for "gaslighting." I literally don't know what this part is about, but I haven't DMed anyone about this stuff who hasn't DMed me first.
(if anyone knows what that part is about, PLEASE tell me! I genuinely want to get to the bottom of this. screenshots are well appreciated if you have them)
So, that's everything. I never wanted to make this post, but after it was brought up to me that Jenni's made advances on folks without consent, and that she is trying to dox me, I felt it was no longer just a personal problem I could ignore.
Closing thoughts: I have consistently avoided talking about this because I dont think Jenni is "lying" or has ulterior motives. I think she genuinely believes this was abusive. I have no doubt that Jenni has been treated truly poorly by people, and she has trauma surrounding that
I believe pedophiles go after and indoctrinate those who are emotionally vulnerable, and I think this is a case of that. I hope that Jenni some day is able to escape that group, get therapy, and live a happy life. Right now, however, I would like to issue an earnest warning.
If Jenni shows up in your discord server, this is her history. She has made unwanted sexual advances on at least one server owner. She defends and indulges in written and drawn porn of minors. She claims abuse on non-abusive behavior. Thanks for reading.
Jenni, if you're reading this, please feel free to contact me with any disagreements you have. Just remember that I have the logs for every conversation my mods and I have had regarding this.
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