on the concept of yt folks constantly telling stories & wanting to be praised on how they grew out of their racism. remember that racism always has a victim. its not a 'oh cringe XD' phase you get to brush away. im still living with the pain, i dont get to 'grow' out of it https://twitter.com/axshaavakin/status/1352717322105065474
thats whats always rubbed me the wrong way about those threads full of white people constantly exclaiming how they once were racist and now are not. like you being racist isnt just some phase it had real victims. you hurt people by doing that and you get no medal for stopping.
you can be proud of your own personal growth, sure. you can talk about how you gained your own opinions and got out of a bad household. but enough of the all white conversations of "haha yeah i used to be soooo racist isnt that funny lollll"
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