Trying to balance the competing emotions of “I need to read as a trustworthy professional more than I ever have in my life right now” and and “I think we are building an MMORPG where you get XP by finding the coronavirus vaccine and getting in the hands of people who need it.”
I am, by agreement with my wife, banned from ever playing an MMORPG again, because they push my buttons too well.

But this one, this one seems like not that bad to be obsessive about. (Shouldn’t someone care maybe a little too much about whether there are free doses out there?)
A story from my WoW guild leader days, by the way:

When things are going wrong on a raid, it’s everyone’s fault but yours. “Raging” at others is common. It is emotionally satisfying. It killed no dragons, ever, not one single time.

Teamwork and preparation killed dragons.
I was team captain for the mages during fights, and if there was ever a complaint while the dragon was still sliced, I typed out my catch phrase:

Less qq more pew pew.
Mages have a job to do, as part of the team. It’s to know when to get involved. And then to blast the }^{+#^{ out of the thing that is busy trying to kill your friends.
And tech community, I love you a lot, but:

Less qq more pew pew.
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