A rolex costs about $5,000.

Trump spent $151,000,000 of taxpayer money golfing.

That is 30,200 normal rolex watches. 12,583 really fancy rolex watches.
You can buy a rolex with a tax refund.

If you earned $1,000 a day, it'd take you 151,000 days to earn $151,000,000.

That is 413 years.
This porsche costs $100,000

$151,000,000 would buy 1,510 of them.
If you brought a brand new $100,000 porsche each day, it'd take you 1,510 days, or 4 years, to spend $151,000,000.
Normal presidential salary is $400,000 per year.

$151,000,000 is 377 years worth of presidential salary.

That's 94 presidents' worth of salary. Twice as many presidents as have been elected.
Normal presidents make $400,000 a year.

Trump made $37,750,000 per year, just on golfing trips.

That's 94x the normal presidential income. Just on this one grift.
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