Tonight I answered a citizen who inquired about several issues revolving around crime, downtown issues, addictions & much more... I thought it might be well worth it to share parts of my response here as some of you may have similar inquiries.
1. The (downtown) public realm allows for any individual to be within it.
2. The public realm should also be a safe place and to the best of our ability a welcoming one for all individuals - and it is.
3. I’m not “in charge of police.” This is often misunderstood, thinking Mayors in Canada are like those we see on TV or movies from the United States that do have that authority. The Mayor & Council don’t direct or have the ability to direct the Chief or policing services.
4. Policing in Ontario is overseen by local police services boards. They are a separate entity from the City and in Guelph made up of 5 members. I am only 1 of those 5 and have only 1 vote.
5. Two years ago I ran my re-election campaign in part on creating a safer and stronger community. For the first time in years, (2019 stats) overall crime rate is now down.
Furthermore, Council approved the police budget for 2020 which was increased and allowed for the hiring of 30 staff with over half of them new dedicated frontline officers.
6. Last year, (just before COVID-19), for the first time, a new dedicated downtown policing unit was created consisting of five officers as a pilot program. This unit and program has now become permanent.
7. Beyond police, there’s a focus on services for the vulnerable. Key aspects of the Mayors Task Force on Homelessness, Poverty, Addictions & Community Safety included funding for a Welcoming Streets initiative, an addictions court support worker & supportive recovery beds.
Presently there is work progressing on Permanent Supportive Housing units looking to be built across #Guelph.
8. The city does not have direct oversight or authority on safe injection sites or overdose prevention sites. This place is healthcare and is allowed by the Provincial Government because they, (not the city), are in charge of healthcare.
9. COVID-19 increased needs for many, & these needs are met mostly downtown. The County of Wellington Social Services, Drop In Centre, Hope House, Royal City Mission, Community Health Centre, Chalmers United, Public washrooms & more. People gather where the supports are.
10. These individuals are not “scumbags or bottom of the barrel criminals.” We don’t know the reasons or individual stories of why they are where they are at this point in their lives. Each is deserving of dignity, respect and help - not name calling and belittling them.
Any one of us can be just one moment away for entering similar circumstances as these individuals. This does not excuse any aggressive or criminal behaviour towards any individual - but it is equally not fair to discard them as undesirable worthless human beings.
Regardless of these facts above, again, I want you to know I take all matters of community safety seriously. I have also listed articles and information to back up everything I have presented to you below.
Thank you again, take care.
Mayor Cam Guthrie
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