"[Abiy] said he launched his military operation on Nov. 4 in response to an attack on a federal military base in Tigray." Why make it a claim of Abiy's? It's not in dispute. The TPLF BRAGGED about it on TV. And @BronwynBruton makes the point here. 👇 https://twitter.com/BronwynBruton/status/1351943631112953857
"Although analysts initially estimated the T.P.L.F. had 250,000 men under arms, it quickly became clear that its force was much smaller."

Really? Which analysts? 🧐 I ask, because maybe Western reporters should think twice before using them again.
"Kjetil Tronvoll, an expert on the TPLF at Bjorknes University College in Oslo, said the party’s leadership has likely dispersed in small groups, to spread the risk of capture."

Like the start of the conflict, the Western media still won't mention Tronvoll's questionable ties...
...with the TPLF, including serving as their election "observer" and his curious past milking of Norway's public funds for a think tank. All of which is a matter of public record.
Then there's this. 👇There is nothing journalistically, factually wrong with this, but I respectfully take issue with Rashid's portrayal of Ethiopian culture and this supposed "political culture that prizes dominance." Let's look at that.
"In Ethiopia, you obliterate him." Really? We can go back further, but historians like to dwell on the so-called origins of the modern Ethiopia state. You can go from either Tewodros or Menelik, take your pick. But Menelik went out of his way to NEGOTIATE submission from...
certain Oromo leaders and yes, went on to fight others. But he tried negotiation 1st. In fact, for all the rivalry that he had with Yohannes, he also submitted to him. Contrary to the revisionist history-propaganda that's been pushed since about the 1970s onward, Ethiopia has...
had more of a political collaboration of its peoples and a semblance of national identity than it's been given credit for. Gobena was Oromo. Jagama Kello was Oromo. Haile Selassie, for all the banging on about "Amhara elite" had some Oromo ancestry. How many exceptions do we...
rack up before the truth is conceded? It serves certain people's convenience to portray Ethiopians ethnicities at each other's throats throughout time. Too bad it isn't true. Like the nation states and empires of Europe, of course, there was internal fighting, but...
...to reduce Ethiopian culture and the nuances of this conflict to a caricature of "vengeful warriors" always seeking "political dominance" is... Hmm. Would Kenyans like their politics reduced to one trope? Would Somalis? Would the British or French? 🤔

Nope, didn't think so.
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