
Presenting Alpha Chad Deep Dives

A thread on the most interesting illiquid small cap company/project I have ever researched.... $VXV

On-Demand Correlation Matrix Datasets
for Hidden Relationship Detection in Data & Training in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems

Founder/ CEO Kasian Franks was previously founder/CEO of a search and recommendation engine specifically for indexing and finding playable search results including audio, video, podcasts and Wikipedia articles with 50M monthly active users and 250M searches every month

They have access to many datasets that are behind large paywalls.

These A.I. systems have many different use cases. Currently they are selling market alpha datasets to the biggest hedgefunds in the world. i.e. BlackRock.
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A.I. pattern recognition systems are also used to detect diseases, such as COVID-19, and gene-sequence-editing applications. Predictive pattern recognition allows Vectorspace to provide datasets to large clients such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft Azure, BlackRock, and CERN.
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Transcribed from @Dreadbongo’s youtube channel:

“I know Kraken was mentioned in the last call but, are there any other exchanges on the horizon?”
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“We want the world to know first from our customers who we are. We don’t need to exclaim from the mountain tops who we are, we’d like our customers to do that.”
While similar cases have been filed against YouTube, http://MP3Tunes.com , Veoh, PornoTube, and Divx/Stage 6, this case is particularly important as it directly tests how copyright law applies to search engines.

Unlike the before-mentioned cases, which involve hosting copyrighted material, SeeqPod is the first to be sued for merely searching and presenting media available on other people's servers. src https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SeeqPod 

Much love to @DreadBong0 for providing great content with CEO Kasian Franks, and sheding more light on the tokenomics of $XVX

I look forward to following this project. In my opinion it is the only promising A.I. play in crypto, and at sub $13M market cap is intriguing.
You can follow @2MuchQE.
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