#WandaVision is also highlighting a consistent problem with Marvel, that their stories are rarely about the thing they're actually about. The seeds will be present, so if you want to tend that garden in your mind, you can, but the movies and now TV show(s) usually let them wither
Case in point: Civil War didn't actually want to say, "Tony Stark is wrong, unicorn governance doesn't work, he's a bad leader", so they drop the ideological argument between Cap/Tony for pure emotion. But Tony WAS wrong, unicorn governance DOESN'T work, and Tony WAS a bad leader
This leads to two problems down the line: 1) Cap and Tony never have to reconcile their ideological differences (which would have made Endgame that much more powerful), and 2) Tony is set up to be a fucking moron when the movies DO get around to acknowledging his mistake.
In almost every case, Marvel side-steps anything that could make their characters--especially the really popular ones--look foolish, but this also makes them shallow. It's a big reason Marvel fanfic is such a rich, diverse world, people get to fill in these depths themselves.
It's also why characters like Loki and Bucky Barnes are so popular despite relatively little screen time/character development. They have done terrible things, so we want to see how they rehabilitate. Because they have been bad, they have an innately interesting trajectory.
It's also why Black Panther stands out as the best Marvel movie, because T'Challa acknowledges his own faulty beliefs and then actively attempts to change them. Characters must be allowed to be foolish, to be WRONG, to give them somewhere to go.
But Marvel rarely puts in that work. They gloss over difficult implications and refuse to walk through doors they crack open that lead to dark places. It's their besetting sin, and something they have long needed to address.
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