calling people in the restaurant/hospitality industry essential workers but not treating them as such with support and access to the vaccine immediately just goes to show that it was just treating them as the help for the people that could stay at home and treat them as a service
latinos and black people are disproportionately effected by this and they work in meat cutting facilities, restaurants, hotels/motels, and service industries. dying left and right and they'll have to wait until when? until more die?
there is no plan to help them, meanwhile, they have to go to work now, tomorrow, and the next day without any assurance. undocumented and expected to work? even worse. meanwhile, let's get everyone else as a priority in the slowest way possible.
it wasn't about being essential to society. it was about being essential to helping keeping those that drive it moving forward without caring about the people doing the work.
i'm really sick and tired of this industry being treated as throw away and replaceable. there are people that enjoy what they do up until the second they are dead by no choice of their own or want to make something better for themselves/family. that's now/always.
hazard pay? fuck you. temporary raise? fuck you. acknowledgement? fuck you. treat them like you would any sort of businessy empirey job like an apple or microsoft or some shit. Guarantee you'll get better customer service from them over that monster brand.
please write your representatives, members of congress, whoever, and tell them that the people that have been shit on the most through this pandemic deserve the option/access to get a vaccine because remember, they're essential, sort of.......maybe.....
this isn't putting them over anyone else. this is putting people that are deemed as essential to now be treated as such. i know a ton of them that would love to be vaccinated so they can jump right back in, just set them up. they'll make it happen. otherwise, fuck the label.
this goes beyond restaurant/hospitality industry. grocery workers, landscapers, gardeners, barbers, beauticians, tattoo peeps, etc...... people that work in contact with guests. come on. that's their only way and they're not getting the help they need.
months ago i talked about how bartenders and front of house workers are extinct. they need funds for job retraining programs, specialty training, grants for university/college, as this pandemic could prove to be permanent for their careers. they need help, they need shots.
in my mind i have started to feel the effects of this pandemic as something permanent, living with it, and not thinking backwards, we have to move forward, looking back is not a strategy.
could be months? more like years. more like a lifetime for a lot that don't have an option but to show up for work. the help needs to happen at every level. In conclusion, please fight for your essential people, not necessarily, deemed essential. they need it.
while you write them tell them how a minimum wage of $15 isn't enough, please.
anyone fighting to reopen without prioritizing vaccine, best working conditions for their staff, shouldn't be listened to.
if this new administration is about it and wants to make the changes then it's the time to send a message. more people don't deserve to die for convenience/another meal/some service. that isn't a dig on this administration but the push forward with these people alive is essential
Here's the kicker. If you needed us to learn how to administer shots to help we could do it.
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