This whole BS about NeverTrump Conservatives downplaying - for YEARS now - the everyday concerns of real bonafine Conservatives - people they're supposed to represent and defend - is mind numbingly stupid. Trump is out of office. Either defend Conservatives, or stop pretending.
Yeah, we know, you were against Trump because "muh principles" and took a hard pass on, you know, AntiFa, MSM bias, Conservatives wiped out of social media, abortion, gun rights, the usual Democratic Party politics and narratives, and everything the Right cared about for years.
But if you're going to suddenly get back on the horse now, while still writing your "but Trump" articles, despite giving the Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats a pass for the last few years, can you at least support Conservative causes NOW without invoking Trump?
I don't care if you didn't vote for Trump. What I do care about is that many of you either a) went on a vacation during the Trump years on what the rest of us actually cared about, or b) even worse, you supported Democrat narratives against the rest of us.
You don't get in our good graces without putting in some WORK. Oppose Democrats NOW. You have some catching UP to do. Your excuse of President Trump is GONE now. What the Democrats are doing now is front and center. Either push back against it, or hang up your Conservative label.
You make a living as Conservatives to write articles, books, do podcasts, make guest appearances on TV, and a host of other things AS CONSERVATIVES. You're technically professionals in a career that many of us look up to for understanding and guidance. We feel betrayed by you.
"But Trump" doesn't cut it. You left us in the lurch. You can't retrieve that same level of respect you had years ago, before Trump became President. I'm not asking you be pro-Trump now. I'm asking you stop with the horse $#!+ now and be Conservatives. That's it. /end
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