Let's talk about why that is.

So many of these right-wing extremists have been fed a lie by the GOP & NRA for generations.

The lie that the 2nd Amendment is there for citizens to overthrow the government.

It's an inescapable part of the hardcore gun culture. /1 https://twitter.com/ChrisAlbertoLaw/status/1352794037389033475
It's not that we don't have a revolutionary genesis, overthrowing a tyrannical government with our muskets.

It's recognizing that if you can still protest and vote, and those votes are upheld, and the winners of those votes still exercise power, you don't yet live in tyranny. /2
These MAGA think "tyranny" is being asked to wear a mask, or limit gun and ammo purchases, or bake a cake for a gay couple.

No, those are all legit acts of duly elected government, upheld by courts. Democracy still exists. Being outvoted isn't tyranny. /3
It's all the more offensive when people who've lived under actual tyranny—Blacks, gays, women who were openly disenfranchised, disempowered, and discriminated against—mostly didn't turn to "2nd Amendment remedies" and instead used all the tools of non-violent democracy… /4
…to demand that our democracy lived up to its founding ideals. Democracy that is already structurally tilted in favor of the straight white men who are braying about "tyranny" because they can no longer win national elections. /5
Now, if POTUS dissolved Congress and had the military lay siege to every state capitol, moved in troops and tanks to enforce his edicts w/no acts of legislation or judicial review, murdering those who object, THEN you've got a tyranny worthy of "2nd Amendment remedies." /6
Besides, that Sacred, I mean, Second Amendment begins, "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State…"

How could a militia formed to overthrow a Free State (nation) in any way be securing it?

Especially in context? /7
We had those militias before we had standing armies. We needed them because we wanted to go about being a democracy that solved things by votes, not a monarchy whose solutions were upheld by force.

The militias are for defending vote counting, not interrupting it. /8x
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