🧵1.Real talk: do not tweet or DM me images of racism, homophobia, violence against anyone, slurs, any of it. Even with a content warning and then jumping to descriptions or having images included is triggering.

This is a line I apparently need to set today.

Please, just don't.
2. I will not speak about how this happened, just note that it did today and now it's hard to focus.

If there is an issue of discrimination and you need me to speak to it or use my platform, do not have any of the above in your message.

I will not read it. I will delete it.
3. I'm now sitting here having to deal with this instead of finishing work. It's hard to focus.

We are smart, we are nuanced, we can do better. Find a better way to say, "Chase, I need help because something racist is happening."

I don't want to see another Black person harmed.
4. I constantly live with those concerns.

People who share such images, please read the below. You are causing trauma all over again for minoritized people. I understand you are trying to get a point across and access help.

Find another way to do so. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/03/opinion/george-floyd-video-social-media.html
5. Do not message me right now to ask about this. Do not respond to this with "Make sure to take care of yourself."

I ned people to sit and reflect on this. On why we keep sharing images of violence against the minoritized.

Respect my space and wishes right now. Please💖
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