Wow so my dept at UBC just had a grad forum about moving in-person/hybrid courses online. All I can say is that it's nice to know where I stand (<= lol a joke) as a disabled person in the eyes of my colleagues...
It turns out that injustice isn't acting in ways that put vulnerable folks at risk without their consent; the "real injustice" is not being CONSULTED about your desire to put vulnerable folks at risk without their consent.
It's always nice to be reminded how little regard the ppl you've considered your community FOR YEARS have for your life and the lives of disabled and marginalized folks more generally.
Why is it so fucking hard to convince ppl that we should get to live?!
I am still reeling from what a violent experience that was.

That feeling of pleading your humanity and right to exist in front of that many people and having them stare right fucking through you...
Also the anonymous comments from ppl who think they should be allowed to meet in-person...! Like, I don't know who they are -- only that a significant number of my peers don't really care if ppl like me survive the pandemic BUT THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE THE GUTS TO SAY IT TO MY FACE.
Also apparently standing in solidarity with disabled ppl and protecting marginalized folks FROM DEATH is "a difference of opinion"...?

I can't even wrap my head around the entitlement and nondisabled privilege I witnessed today.

I feel so unsafe and just... fucking shredded.
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