So i have been seeing a lot of right wing Brits upset that the first call the Biden is making is to Canada not UK. Let me put my BA in poli sci and my years in diplomacy to work here. The first call for all US presidents in my lifetime has always been to our neighbors!
So Biden making that his first call will be to smooth that over and work out ways that we can help Canada regain over 1000 jobs lost. I believe trump did the same with Mexico (frankly i can’t remember because i tried forgetting everything about that man)
So all this bellyaching over calls and Churchill bust is really showing that the U.K. right wing govt are insecure shits! I was in London when the dust up about Churchill started in 2012. Fact is the Churchill bust that bush had was a loan to W from the U.K. for his tenure
Now there is a second Churchill bust from the 60s that i believe is either normally in the president’s study or treaty room. Until nightmare became our president that specific bust was never in the oval. NEVER! We in the squad already know how racist, insecure, and incompetent
British press are and Jen Psaki knows too she was in the Obama WH. She got to hear Boris rain down racist abuse on the first African American President of our country because of a lousy bust! I am proud of USinUK London doing this today, wish the latitude was there in 2012
The fact that these ppl expected a black man to have Churchill over MLK or a Catholic Irish descendant to have Churchill in their ovals it laughable at best. Biden honored Americans in his oval as he should since 81 million of us voted for him. So yall pound sand about Churchill!
So i say all that to say there is no there there and this is Made Up Drama (MUD) by the UK right wing govt and press to create situations. Days of British empire are over and in the oval we honor Americans! Deal with it and quit being insecure twats!
Anyone upset about this thread can report me to Joseph R Biden! 🎤 - T
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