I’m gonna talk about it!

If you ever have spoken up because someone’s sexual jokes made you feel uncomfortable, I am proud of you.
If you couldn’t in that moment, I am still proud of you. It’s not your fault. You don’t deserve to feel like less of a person. And I love you.
We have a tendency to let stuff pass, to permit folks who make others uncomfortable into spaces they shouldn’t be, to see past red flags because of talent or friendships or whatever.
I want you to know that the safety of marginalized groups is more important that somebody’s buddy being able to say whatever they want. When I have been harassed in my workplaces, the rug was completely pulled out from under me. I was no longer safe.
What one person sees as a joke, is to another person a complete shattering of safety. Apologies are important. Stepping up is important. Workplaces should be safe.
I’m honestly not taking about just one incident or person. I wish I could hug and protect all of you. I’m so mad sometimes. And sad about the people whose voices we lose because they don’t want to deal with this bullshit.
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